ASSIGNMENT | What do you think the responsibilities of a citizen journalist should be when disseminating information?

Answer the following questions in 1 paragraph:

Question 1: Please look for an example of a “word-of-mouth” or viral marketing campaign to share with the class this week where the message moved through interpersonal networks, either offline or those facilitated by technology. Write a brief paragraph about your example. Describe the message or messages that were created. What types of opinion leaders do you think the campaign was trying to target? Was the campaign successful in getting opinion leaders to spread the message? Through what specific interpersonal channels was the message spread? Was there any evidence of unintended backlash or interpretations of the message, or any evidence of reinforcement in the social network? You can consult any types of sources you wish to try to answer these questions (sources of information do not necessarily need to be scholarly).


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Question 2: What do you think the responsibilities of a citizen journalist should be when disseminating information? Are they like the responsibilities of a professional journalist? Should they be?

Question 3:Below is a link to a video published online by The New York Times on March 25, 2020. The video is taken by Dr. Colleen Smith, an emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, New York City. In the video, Smith provides a tour of her ER amid the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses her experience. Please view the video and provide your perspective on what the video accomplishes within the context of citizen journalism and activism.


Communication Strategies: Essay Questions
Word-of-mouth is a marketing technique that gets happy fans or customers of a brand to promote the brand through media forms such as videos, images, or vlogs. Netflix is such a brand that creates awareness on new original programs through social media such as Youtube and Facebook (Gilliland, 2018). They do so through already generated user content. Netflix shares its viewers’ excitement about new upcoming programs to elicit interest in others. The message is that individuals trust their peers more than they do big brands particularly when it comes to…


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