Assignment | Tragedy Across the Mediterranean:

Analytical essays should be focused on making a debatable claim about the work in question; creative submissions should be focused on presenting a work or kind of work from a different angle. Informational essays or essays consisting of summary are not appropriate for either type of essay. Both types of essay should be supported with discussion of specific passages from the text(s) on which the essay is focused.
Tragedy Across the Mediterranean: Consider “The Tale of Sohrab” from the Shahnameh in comparison to Oedipus Tyrannus from the Week 2 readings. Make an argument about whether the two works are more alike or different and why. Focus your thesis on one particular aspect of the two works such as protagonists, themes, central conflicts, or other another element that you see as important.



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Destiny in Oedipus in Tyrannus and the Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam
Destiny is defined in terms of the preordained path of events that humans have no influence to control or change. The term also refers to a force that shapes, steers, distresses and rewards human life. By analyzing the components of the true personality and attitudes of a character, fate is made into reality and his or her fate becomes the destination. The two tales, Oedipus the King and The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam have the intertwinement of fate and character as the central theme.
While it is evident that the tragic hero, Oedipus, has particular blemishes that give the outcome of the events of the narration, he is also viewed as a pawn of providence with no real ability and chance to modify what destiny has in store for him. Oedipus’ inability…


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