ASSIGNMENT : Principles of Healthcare Business and Financial Management C162


Question: Why should I use the template?


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Answer:  The template is recommended as the evaluators are very used to seeing the template and know where the information is found.  There are multiple sections (B1, B1a, B2, B3, B4, B4a, and B6) that need to be repeated in this task for each of the three departments so putting the information in the table will make it easier for the reader. 

Question: Section C is part of the template but I thought it was a separate document.  Does Section C need to be in a narrative form?

Answer:  Section C is housed in the template for the purposes of convenience. It is a separate document and needs to be uploaded as a separate document. You would complete the executive summary as a narrative (double-spaced APA and with a cover page).

Question: Should the Executive Summary be in bullets as it is on the template form?

Answer:  No, the executive summary should not be in bullets.  The executive summary is to be in a separate document written following APA guidelines and format. 

General questions:

Question: Approximately how many pages should be included in the final paper for this course?

Answer:  There is no specific length. The paper is usually about 12-15 pages and then 2-5 pages for the separately uploaded Executive summary. Make sure that you upload the executive summary as a separate document. 

Sections A1 – VBP Degree of Implementation

Question: Besides listing and explaining the domains/tabs from Hospital Compare, what else does A1 want? Should we include the percentages? 

Answer: In section A-1 they are asking you to discuss the extent of your organizations embracement of Value Based Purchasing. You would provide a brief description of your hospital (although that is not in the rubric, it helps to set up the paper), you might describe areas where your organization has embraced value based purchasing, citing some examples. You can even give a little background about VBP if you would like. I would not include the percentages, but instead, state that they are better than state or national in that area. This is about two to three paragraphs in length. Make sure you discuss to the ‘degree’ your organization has embraced VBP because this is in the rubric. 

Section B1: Departments Impacting VBP

Question: Can I choose Nursing for all three departments or does it need to be three different departments?

Answer: No.  You have to choose three different departments. Examples of departments are nursing, Emergency Department, and ICU.  For the nursing department as a whole, you might work on communication and institute bedside rounding. You could use the ER as another department.  Yes, there are nurses in the department, but the intervention is for the ER only (i.e. improved triage times).  Another department might be the ICU. Again, there are nurses there, but the intervention would be for the ICU only (i.e. improving CAUTI rates).

Section B1a: Explanation of Roles and Functions

Question: Do I just need to describe what the role of my department is?

Answer: You will describe the roles and functions of each of your three departments and why the roles and function of the departments are important for implementing VBP in the organization. 

Section B2: Goals

Question: For Section B2, how in depth of a description do we need…or do we list the goals and in B3 explore them further?

Answer:  For section B2, you need one overall goal for each of the three departments that will help with implementation of VBP AND you need to describe how your goal will further the implementation of VBP in your organization.  You need to make sure you are writing your goal as a SMART goal (SMART = specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).  We recommend writing subgoals to help achieve your overall goal.  For example, your overall goal could be, “By the end of three years, readmission rates will decrease by 10%.”  The subgoals would be, “By the end of year one, a Readmission team will be formed to focus on readmission rates.” and “By the end of year two, a follow up phone call protocol will be implemented to reduce readmission rates.”   In section B3 and B7, you have to address your plan over a period of 3 years, so writing your goals as described will help you in those sections.

Question: For section B2, do we have to choose three different areas or can more than one be from patient surveys? For instance, can I use increased communication for both Physicians and Nursing staff?

Answer:  You use the same goal for more than one department. You just need to make sure you describe the roles and functions for each department very clearly as they would be different for each department.  We do not recommend using the same goal for the three departments as it can get confusing for the evaluator, however, it is acceptable.

Section B3: Attaining Quality

Question: I am slightly confused on B3. I understand the information we are to provide, but am unsure if I am to have B3 listed 3 times in my paper (once for every department), or if I am to have only one B3 which reviews all 3 departments.

Answer:  Section B3 needs to be addressed for each department.  You will describe how you will attain quality outcomes in BOTH patient care and reimbursement for each of your three departments. We recommend that you have three bullet points for patient care and three bullet points for reimbursement for each of the three departments.

Section B4: Critical Key Points

Question: What are critical key points?

Answer:  Critical key points are what you need the staff to understand and embrace about your plan to improve quality and reimbursement for each department. These can be bullet points. You should have at least three critical key points for each department.

For example, if your goal is to reduce readmission rates, your critical key points could be:

1) Follow up phone calls will be implemented by the nursing staff to decrease readmission rates,

2) Follow up phone calls will improve quality outcomes as the nurse can ensure understanding of discharge instructions and answer any questions the patient may have, and

3) Decreasing readmission rates will improve reimbursement.

These are the key points that you would want staff to understand about the plan so they would embrace the changes and contribute to a successful implementation.

Section B4a: Marketing the Key Points

Question: What does marketing mean?

Answer: In this section, marketing is how you are communicating the key points.  In B4a, you will describe how you will market your key points. For example, you may have a staff meeting to discuss the key points. You may send emails out to the staff highlighting the key points. Think about how your organization communicates important information to you and that can be how you will market the key points.

Section B5: Ethical Clinical and Ethical Business Practices

Question: In section B5 where we discuss ethical practices, do I address this question 3 times, after each table, or do I address it once after all three tables? Is this a discussion of the ethical principles related to the entire plan I have created or related to each of the three individual plans?

Answer: In section B5, you must discuss how ethical clinical AND ethical business practices will be incorporated into your overall strategic plan. It does not need to be addressed after each table. I suggest you write two paragraphs – one paragraph for ethical clinical and one paragraph for ethical business practices. You can use ethical principles, such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, fidelity and justice, and apply these to business and clinical practices.

Here is an additional resource for ethical principles:

Section B6: Coordinating Events

Question: I am confused with B6. Could you give me an example of informational and educational events?

Answer:  Informational is to give information or to let your staff know what it is you propose to do. Examples are staff meetings to tell staff about why and what you are going to do, posting of HCAHPS scores showing baseline measures and comparison to state and national scores, and informational emails.  Educational events are your actual training sessions.  An example could be simulation training on bedside report.

Section B7: Timeline

Question: I am confused about B7.  I included a timeline in my charts for the goal implementation (B3) and the informational/educational (B6) Do I take this same information and make another timeline?

Answer:  You will need to have a timeline for B7 to address the rubric.  You do not need timelines in sections B3 or B6. In B7, the timeline, you will include what you are doing to accomplish your goals and any educational and informational events. The timeline needs to span a period of 3 years.  If you have written your goals in “year one, year two, and year three” format, it will be easy to identify what you will need to include in your timeline.


General Questions:

Question: Does this need to be a separate document?

Answer:  Yes, the executive summary must be a separate document.  You will upload two documents to TaskStream when submitting the task.

Question: Do we need a cover page for the business plan and executive summary? In addition, do we need sources for both documents (business plan and executive summary?

Answer:  Yes, you do need a cover page (title page) for both. This is APA format, and adds to the professional appearance of the paper.  You will need a reference page for your business plan.  You will only need a reference page in the executive summary if you use outside sources in that document.

Section C1: Most Pertinent Components

Question: What needs included in this section?

Answer:  In this section, you will discuss the three departments you chose in B1 and describe why they are most pertinent to the implementation of VBP in the organization.  You will discuss department one, the overall goal, and why it is important to the organization for VBP.  You will then repeat that format for department two and department three.

Section C2: Preparation for Implementation

Question: Can you give me an example of what needs to be included in this section?

Answer:  In this section, you will review your goals for each of your three departments and describe how you will prepare the three departments for the implementation of VBP in the next 3 years.  Look at sections B2, B6 and B7, and then discuss department 1 and how you will prepare that department for VBP.  You will then repeat that format for department two and department three.  Using an example of the nursing department and improving communication, you would discuss the review of the HCAHPS data on nursing communication with the staff, review of evidence-based practices to identify a new communication strategy, the education of the staff on bedside report, the implementation of bedside report, and the identification and use of unit champions to ensure compliance.

Section C3: Necessary Education and Training

Question: I put education in section C2.  Do I have to repeat it for this section?

Answer:  Yes, to satisfy the requirements of the rubric, you must address the necessary education and training in this section.  You will want to review your goals and plan and ensure that you have listed the education / training for any new process or policy. 


Principles of Healthcare Business and Financial Management – C162
The US has continued to embrace healthcare reforms to help improve the quality of care. Almost all political regimes have made healthcare an important policy with billions of dollars allocated towards this initiative. The Federal health spending has also grown expressively, especially in regards to Medicare, Medicaid, the children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the health insurance subsidies placed under Obama care. By 2023, the total healthcare expenditure is expected to hit $4.3 trillion, making the US healthcare one of the most expensive in the world, followed by Switzerland and Germany…


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