ASSIGNMENT | Parent challenges a teacher’s approach to game playing

Please watch the video and answer both questions separately
Video Transcript:

>> It’s a game that we’ve made totally noncompetitive. And I think that kids are surprised when they realize, when they, whoever got the highest number wasn’t necessarily the winner. It was really, in many ways, it was just a game to sort of get the concept of, you know, the order of numbers. And, in the beginning, kids really wanted to know who won or who lost. And when we said well there’s no winner or loser in this game, they began to accept it. So, that’s been nice. It\’s the kind of thing you might try at home, games that don’t have winners or losers. And sometimes, we reverse it. We say whoever gets the lowest number is the winner. That might help.


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>> I mean, we can do that at home, except that, it feels like most of the games in the world, the way life works, is that you win or you lose, like the soccer. It’s not like oh we all had fun, so we all, you know won. So, I can try to do it a little bit, I also want her to get used to the fact that that’s life.

>> Oh I know and I coach little league. And, at the end of each game, the kids want to know who won or lost. They’re six year olds and I explain to them incredibly, once again, we wound up tied. Every week we wind up tied. And I think at that age it\’s like they’re just happy to hear that.

Question #1
What happens in a parent-teacher conference when a parent challenges the philosophy of the teacher? In this video, you will see how an early childhood teacher, Jim St. Clair, suggests to a mother that her daughter play noncompetitive games at home-games with no winners or losers. Watch to see the mother’s response to this advice and how Mr. St. Clair handles her concerns.

Consider Mr. St. Clair’s appearance and behavior as he responds to the parent’s challenge. How does this help or hinder the conversation from continuing constructively? What ideas can you take away from this?

Question #2

How would you describe Mr. St. Clair\’s response to the mother’s point that there are winners and losers in real life? If you found yourself challenged in a similar way, how might you respond?


Mr. St. Clair’s appearance and behavior to the parent’s challenge helps in continuing the conversation constructively. His approach to the situation allows the parent to feel respected and acknowledged, even when they do not agree with each other’s opinions. As a result, there are several ideas to take away from his behavior. The first idea to take away is the need to listen attentively to the concerns and ideas the parents offer to make the sports experience better for the children. Secondly, before airing one’s differing opinion, it is essential to note the things that you both agree on and…


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