ASSIGNMENT | Oklahoma City Bombing

Review, study, and report on a domestic terrorist event.

Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing.
address the following:


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Look for indicators that might have been missed in preventing the event.
Suggest solutions to prevent a repeat of the event.
The paper must be 3-4 pages.


Use proper APA formatting and citations, including ‘in-text’ citations.



The Oklahoma City Bombing on Alfred P. Murrah Federal building occurred on 19th April 1995. The perpetrator was Timothy McVeigh, a former army soldier and a security guard who had packed a rented Ryder truck in front of the building ready to commit mass murder. The human toll from the bomb blast was devastating, with 168 lives lost including children, and 700 more ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM the worst act of homegrown terrorism in the history of the United States (Pfefferbaum, 2001). The terrorist was arrested half an hour later and detained and later charged together with his accomplices.

Indicators That the Event Might Have Been Prevented

Three years before the domestic terrorist event happened, the perpetrator, Tim McVeigh had sent a letter to the Lockport Union-Sun and Journal, which could have been interpreted to show that an ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM expressed displeasure at the rising tax rates, increase in crime rates, irresponsive and self-centered politicians, and a national health care system that was irresponsive to the plight of the citizenry. In concluding the letter, McVeigh wished America does not degenerate into another civil war and warned that if things did not change then bloodshed would be necessary ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM warning by McVeigh, the local law enforcement authorities did not take it seriously as they should have, leading to the deadly ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM and federal law enforcement agencies taken action early when the letter was circulated by the journal, probably the deadly event would have been prevented.

Similarly, several years and months before the bombing, McVeigh had been a frequent attendee at gun shows across the country where he was seen selling publications that were ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM based on racist ideologies whose racist hero attacks the FBI headquarters with a bomb. He also circulated a brochure bearing contact address of the FBI agent credited for killing the wife of gun rights champion Randy Weaver during the raid in Ruby Ridge, Idaho ORDER YOUR PAPER AT WRITTASK.COM his stint in the US defense


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