ASSIGNMENT | Intellectual Standards Assignment

For our assignment this week, examine the Universal Intellectual Standards as described in our readings. Select one of these standards (Logicalness), and describe how using that standard has helped you in your:

Work life
School life
Personal life


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Your essay should consist of five paragraphs, and should follow the format below:

In your first paragraph, write a detailed description of the standard you have selected and why you selected it.

Then, in a paragraph each, describe how that standard has helped you in your work life, in your school life, and in your personal life. Each paragraph should contain at least one example.

Finally, in your concluding paragraph, discuss the ways you can continue to improve upon this standard moving forward.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person and should be 500-750 words in length.


Reasoning is essential to solving problems, understanding issues, and situations among other things. Universal intellectual standards aid in the improvement of the quality of one’s thinking. The intellectual standard that I selected for the task is logicalness. Logicalness refers to reasoning that is guided by the laws of logic. People apply logic in their day-to-day lives to analyze issues, situations, and to come to conclusions about various matters. Reasoning that fails to follow the laws of logic is termed as illogical or irrational. For example, the phrase ‘married bachelor’ is illogical as the two words that make up the expression contradict each other. This paper aims to describe how I use the logicalness standard in my work life, school life, and personal life.
The logicalness standard has been of enormous help in my work life. I have in the past been assigned many challenges that required logical reasoning. Almost all day-…


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