ASSIGNMENT HELP | Write an explanation of how leaders and managers in public or nonprofit organizations can be agents of social change.

Write an explanation of how leaders and managers in public or nonprofit organizations can be agents of social change. Provide two specific examples of a public leader or manager in public or nonprofit organizations whose efforts led to social change.



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Nonprofit or public organization leaders and managers have an important role to play as agents of social change. Agents of social change use their human relationships and interactions to transform the social and cultural institutions over time, thus impacting society profoundly. Nonprofit or public organizational leaders can be agents of social change by advocating for a positive change in the social systems that could bring a more positive impact on the people they lead/manage. 

Constructive change begins with the leader and the way they conduct themselves around. The way a leader interacts with others has a greater impact on people and society as a whole. One way to be agents of social change is by creating positive interactions with the people | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | can be achieved by embracing the diversity of both people and perspectives, by listening respectively to varying opinions and life experiences. This allows for conversations that can help with issues of conflict resolution, reconciliation, education reforms, and economic equality among others which have the greatest impact on society (Kelly & Lewis, 2009).

Agents of social change work collaboratively with people to co-create the vision of their | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | role of the leader/manager is to help people reach the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | in the team has to feel that their contribution to the process was worth and that they own the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | contribute to the empowerment of their team | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | which yields greater individual as well as societal impact.

The leader/manager has a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to find ways to fulfill unmet needs, offer programs that enable people to attain self-sufficiency, and partner with other societal players to address social needs (Kelly | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | leaders will likely outlive the missions of their | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | by the impact they create in society and the lives of people.

Two leaders that have espoused the characteristics of being agents of social change | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the Unspoken Smiles Foundation, which promotes both long-term oral health and economic security for the most disadvantaged | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | efforts have helped to improve access to quality dental services for many people and empowering underserved communities | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | her organization Echoing Green, has facilitated the funding of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of next-generation social innovators thus impacting society by creating positive systemic changes in society. 


Kelly, D., & Lewis, A. (2009). Human service sector nonprofit organization’s social impact. Business Strategy Series.

Page, S. E. (2007). Making the difference: Applying a logic of diversity. Academy of Management Perspectives21(4), 6-20.


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