ASSIGNMENT HELP | Write a brief description about the Metropolitan Ministries in the United States.

Write a brief description about the Metropolitan Ministries in the United States. Then, explain how you might apply at least two basic finance and/or budgeting concepts or theories to the organization. Be sure to provide brief descriptions of each concept or theory and specific examples of how you might apply them.



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The Metropolitan Ministries Inc. is a US-based 501(c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization that takes care of the homeless and people at risk of becoming homeless in the community. The organization provides services aimed at alleviating suffering promoting dignity and instilling self-sufficiency. It is a volunteer and donor-funded organization. Its vision is to be the most effective caregiver organization to the poor and the homeless people across the United States. The organization provides care to up to 19,000 families annually, offering about 138,000 nights of safe shelter for children and their parents annually, and serving up to 1.9 million meals to the hungry …

The theory of provision/production can be applied to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | charity organization, the burden of provision lies on volunteers and donors who provide both labor and funds to enable the organization to runs | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | funds and volunteered man-hours are managed with the aim of being used purposely for the provision of services to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | organization applies this theory to supplement…

The organization espouses the concept of building social decisions from private | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the operations of Metropolitan Ministries, it is evident that the organization is determined to make an impact on | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | organization’s services to the needy in society pass the Pareto efficiency concept, in that by making one individual better and making none worse, then the entire community is | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | concept enables the organization to plan its finances well to ensure that they provide benefits to the…


Finkler, S. A., Smith, D. L., & Calabrese, T. D. (2018). Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-For-Profit Organizations. CQ Press.

Metropolitan Ministries, (n.d). Who We Are. Retrieved from

Robbins, D. (Ed.). (2017). Handbook of public sector economics. Routledge.


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