Assignment Help | What steps should it take, in what sequence, and why?

The radiator and heat exchanger manufacturing company which provided the tube machine data you analysed in coursework 1 now wishes to improve its output. What steps should it take, in what sequence, and why?
 In your answer, you should include brief descriptions of: the tools the company should use, the order in which they should implement them, the organisational structures they should adopt, how the management team can motivate their employees and demonstrate their commitment, the results they can expect and the timescales typically involved in such a programme.
 Your answer should ideally be approximately 1500 words in length and include a “business case” for the changes. You may include photographs, drawings, tables etc in addition to the text. Pictures can be sourced from your experience, that of friends and colleagues or any other source, but they must be properly referenced and credited.



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Engineers are always being asked to do all within their powers to ensure that there is improved efficiency of every component in an operation. Such thoughts are in line to the fact that improving efficiency will help improve output, accommodate limitations of capital and eventually result in more profits. One critical component in a heat exchanger system is the metallic cores. Heat exchangers are known to be made as effective as possible so that they can transfer heat from end to end. The heat can be in liquid, gas or vapor form. Owing to the principle of operation, the tubes being used to achieve this have to be as effective …

Explanation of Data The data presented in the previous work was based on various assumptions. The background information given showed that the machine was always in continues operation which calls for proper efficiency to avoid break-down. Some of the critical aspects of the operating tools were the length of the core as well as the material used to make the core. The performance …


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