ASSIGNMENT HELP | What changes are needed in resource and supply planning for a health care system to be prepared for a surge in demand during the next epidemic?

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 50% of front-line workers reported that they did not have sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet the demand for health care services (Kacik, 2020). Simply stockpiling to prepare for the next epidemic is not the answer, as certain PPE (e.g., masks and gloves) deteriorate over time.

• What changes are needed in resource and supply planning for a health care system to be prepared for a surge in demand during the next epidemic?


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Kacik, A. (2020, May 4). Testing, PPE limitations slow restart of deferred care. Modern Healthcare.


The COVID 19 pandemic has with no doubt caused devastation not only to healthcare systems but also economic and social life across the world. Most governments have stretched their health systems because of unpreparedness. The current state calls for proper resource and supply planning. Providing of personal protective equipment is a way of protecting those on the frontline but that is not enough. Several changes need to be made and are as discussed below.

Improved Funding for Scientific Eesearch

Scientific research is the remedy to finding many questions that come with such an outbreak. When the disease occurred, questions such as Is it | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the preferred social | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | this question does not have correct answers, it might worsen the situation because there might be more infections due to incorrect measures | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | research could | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | development of a vaccine or even cure and thus it’s a preferred

 measure for future preparation.

Improve Testing and Contact Tracing.

There should proper | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to ensure massive | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | be organized in a way that a large number of people can be tested in a short period and thus it helps to know how far the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | has gone and next | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | important so that an infected person can be identified before interacting with healthy people.

Global Cooperation.

There are nations | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | orld that have been hard | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | by the pandemic and cannot access | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | required resources. good cooperation would be good for coordinated | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to combat a common | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | (Nacoti et al., 2020).

Encourage health insurance.

At the moment, some families have exhausted their resources due to treatment of the disease. Having the insurance helps enhance ease access to healthcare and also acquisition of informative reports.


Pak, A., Adegboye, O. A., Adekunle, A. I., Rahman, K. M., McBryde, E. S., & Eisen, D. P. (2020). Economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak: the need for epidemic preparedness. Frontiers in public health8.

Nacoti, M., Ciocca, A., Giupponi, A., Brambillasca, P., Lussana, F., Pisano, M., … & Longhi, L. (2020). At the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic and humanitarian crises in Italy: changing perspectives on preparation and mitigation. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 1(2).


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