ASSIGNMENT HELP | Summative Assessment for Using Information in Human Resources (5UIN/02)

Learning outcomes:
1.Understand the research process and different research approaches.
2.Be able to conduct a critical review of information sources in an area of HR/business practice and analyse the findings.
3.Be able to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate options for change.
4.Know how to deliver clear, business-focused reports on an HR issue.



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Assessment brief/activity

Your CEO has asked each departmental head to undertake a critical review of their systems, processes and practices as part of a major organisational change agenda. You have been asked to review an area of HR/business practice and present a business report to key stakeholders with recommendations for improving practice. To provide the basis for your report, you have been asked to conduct a critical review of information sources relevant to the area of practice. You should:
•Select an area of HR/business practice and give the reason for your choice
•Undertake a critical review of different information sources (at least three) e.g. research digests, academic and professional literature, online databases, key texts relevant to the selected area of practice.
•In your write up of the literature review you should explain why you selected that particular source and highlight some of the different research approaches adopted by the authors and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches. | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |
•Draw meaningful conclusions from the review of the different information sources.
•Make justified recommendations to named stakeholders for sustaining and/or improving practice.

Evidence to be produced/required

A written business report for stakeholders of approximately 2600 words. The title page, executive summary, reference list and any appendices are excluded from the word count.

You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.


All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count)


Human resource is an important arm in any organization. It is central to developing, reinforcing as well as changing an organization’s culture. Other responsibilities include managing the individual performance of employees through performance appraisals, undertaking training and development programs, reinforcing the values of the organization among others. Therefore, human resources practices should advocate for training and motivational programs such as coming up with systems that can assist management to improve the welfare of its employees. It is through such efforts that organizations will be able to retain | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | role of human resource practices cannot be underrated. Employee Engagement and Retention is however a major issue in | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | are many instances of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | turnover happening in the healthcare | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the relationship between predictors of turnover as well as actual reasons for the turnover of healthcare workers. As shown in Figure 1, most employees in the healthcare setting are likely to leave their work setting because of bullying which is one of the key reasons for employee turnover…


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