Assignment Help | Speculate how Leon’s ethnicity contributes to his hypertension

Leon Case Study
Leon is an African American 55-year-old male. He is a non-smoker, is a nondrinker, and has a healthy weight for his height. On weekends, he coaches a youth baseball team in his community and loves to eat hot dogs and nachos with the children after they play. Leon attends a community health clinic to have a routine urinalysis and blood pressure monitoring. At his last visit, his blood pressure was 168/92 mm Hg. Although Leon was pleased that the lower number had dropped from 96 to 92, his physician was still concerned. He warned Leon about the dietary choices he was making and reminded him to limit his salt intake. He also renewed Leon’s prescription for diuretics and added an ACE inhibitor to Leon’s treatment regime.

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1. Speculate how Leon’s ethnicity contributes to his hypertension. What other determinants of health contribute to the prevalence of hypertensive disease in this population?


2. What is the significance of an elevated systolic pressure, even in the absence of diastolic hypertension?

3. What is the mechanism of action of the two classes of drugs Leon was prescribed for the management of his hypertension?


Leon Case Study

Question 1: Contribution of Ethnicity to Leon’s Hypertension

Leon, being an African-American, ethnicity plays a critical role in his hypertension disorder. African-Americans are at high risk of developing hypertension | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | study showed that by 2002, African-Americans were experiencing an increased burden of hypertension, where the prevalence rates raised from 35-41% compared to 24-28% among the Whites (Mensah et al., 2018). Additionally, this … 

Other Determinants

The reasons for the high prevalence rates of hypertension among African-Americans is not clearly known. However, some studies speculate that salt sensitivity, obesity, smoking, excessive sodium intake, alcohol intake, and high blood pressure could be the reason behind the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | are thought to contribute to impaired or damaged renal sodium transport system (Rabkin, Shiekh & Wood, 2016). In addition, irregular…

Health disparities and inequity are also barriers to quality care access | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the population experience hardships in accessing healthcare facilities, quality and timely services, as well as taking long to receive treatment due to their low economic status. Lastly, educational materials related …

 Question 2:  The Significance of an Elevated Systolic Pressure

Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH) occurs when the diastolic pressure is lower or normal, and when the systolic blood plod | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | force exerted by blood on the walls of the artery, mainly when the heart contracts and pumps the blood out (Rabkin, Shiekh & Wood, 2016). On the other hand, diastolic pressure refers to the force exerted during heart relaxation, thus enabling blood to flow into the…

Additionally, high systole is typically linked with left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure, and high myocardial demand for | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | Hypertension develops when systolic force is more than 140mmHg with a lower or normal diastolic pressure. This tends to be a potential risk factor for heart-related disorders and stroke (Smulyan & Safar, 2017). ISH can also lead to severe damages to essential body…

Question 3: Mechanism of Action

ACE inhibitors and Diuretics are common prescriptions for | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to the process where there is high urine output, and Diuretics are medications that increase the excretion of urine from the body to help remove excess | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | medications produce diuresis through inhibition of sodium reabsorption in various parts of renal tubular mechanisms like Distal Convoluted tubule and Proximal Convoluted tubule, …

Angiotensin-Converting Enzymes (ACEs) are inhibitors meant to control the ACE enzyme by converting Angiotensin I to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | II bonds to Angiotensin II receptors, whose role is to narrow the blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Therefore, ACE inhibitors limit the formation of Angiotensin II, thus reducing…


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