ASSIGNMENT HELP | Returns processing, or reverse logistics as it has become known, involves the handling of product returns, transit packaging and surplus items.

Returns processing, or reverse logistics as it has become known, involves the handling of product returns, transit packaging and surplus items. In 250-300 words describe the processes involved with returns (reverse logistics).



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Reverse logistics refer to the activities involved throughout the movement of products to the point of origin to recapture value or for suitable | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and remanufacturing practices may also be | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | primary components of reverse logistics are returns management and remanufacturing or refurbishing. 

Returns’ management guarantees optimally efficient returns’ processing through avoidance and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | entails screening products before they are allowed into the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | effective avoidance techniques entail user friendliness, quality control and tactical promotional | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | helps in minimizing the volume of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | decisions made to manage the volume of products allowed into the reverse flow. The process is quite essential in cost management as it eradicates the overheads involved in the return of products that should not have been returned in the first place. A successful gatekeeping practice must seek to control return rates without affecting customer service adversely. The ideal spot to implement the screening and gatekeeping process is the point of entry (Morgan et al., 2018).

Moreover, a substantial amount of products is returned to supplier due to inaccuracies or damages to the commodity delivered to the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | may have taken place at manufacturer’s warehouse without their knowledge, or it might have occurred along the supply | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | nd remanufacturing deal with items on this track of return | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | products may require basic repair work before re-integration into the distribution chain for | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | manufacturer may be required to use new or reused components to rebuild the item as per the original specifications. Refurbishing entails enhancing an outdated commodity to meet the new standards or specifications set by the manufacturer. Additionally, the returned products may be used to create totally new items or refurbish others through a process known as recycling.


Antonyová, A., Antony, P., & Soewito, B. (2016). Logistics Management: New trends in the Reverse Logistics. (Journal of physics.)

Belvedere, V., Grando, A., & John Wiley & Sons. (2017). Sustainable operations and supply chain management. Hoboken: Wiley.

Morgan, T. R., Tokman, M., Richey, R. G., & Defee, C. (2018). Resource commitment and sustainability: a reverse logistics performance process model. (International journal of physical distribution & logistics management.)


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