ASSIGNMENT HELP | Racism in the US and how to be educated and surrounding themselves with other cultures/races

ENGL 1021 Essay #3: Problem – Solution Essay
For Essay #3, you are still using what you’ve learned and your skills developed from They Say I Say concepts. But you have a specific purpose for writing: to educate readers about one existing cause of or perpetuating factor in racism in the US and to propose the best solution to that cause or factor, with also educating readers about why this solution is good and how it will work. Note: you don’t get to provide a list of possible solutions; you must choose the best solution and develop it well.



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Your topic:
“Racism persists in the United States, according to recent polls, even as the country is projected to become a majority minority country within 30 years” (Wanlund, Bill “Race and Ethnicity” CQ Researcher)
What is one (practice, policy, culture, trend, phenomenon) that creates or perpetuates racism? And, therefore, how do we address, stop, or solve that?
You may narrow down what you mean by racism – such as discrimination or prejudice – and you may narrow down to a certain group if you like – such as racism related to Latinx, or to black Americans, or to Hmong, for example.
Here is a template you may find helpful or like to use for organizing a this problem/solution paper.
Writing your paper according to this template is not required, however.
Introduction: Begin with context – what is the overall bigger issue/context that your problem and solution fit into or are part of? And why does this (the overall issue and your problem-solution within it) matter? And who is affected? And who should care – and why?
You may try using one of the templates from They Say I Say to begin. But you may also not use a template if that suits your discussion better.
End your introduction with your thesis statement that tells what a specific problem is and one specific strategy or plan for how we/who should address or solve it.
Develop, “Unpack,” the Problem
Body Paragraph #1: Define the problem and educate readers about the problem. This may include a brief history if necessary.
Body Paragraph #2: Where we are currently at with the problem – this may include what causes/caused the problem, how bad or widespread the problem is, who is affected and how much or how they are affected.
Body Paragraph #3: This may address why it is a problem and worth addressing OR what a consequence(s) of the problem is(are) OR something you need to discuss from Body Paragraph #2 that is its own focus that wouldn’t fit in Body Paragraph #2.
Body Paragraph #4: Use another paragraph to develop your problem further if/as needed.

*Somewhere in your discussion about the problem, you may need to (or want to) address a counterargument or naysayer – at what point have you made a claim that a reasonable person would disagree with? This may be a spot to paraphrase their counter-argument and respond to it.
Develop, “Unpack,” the Solution
Body Paragraph #5: Define and explain the solution. Educate your readers about it.
Body Paragraph #6: Discuss that the solution is realistic and doable. Prove it.
Body Paragraph #7: Discuss/prove that your solution is a good idea –perhaps better than a different solution or no solution (this may be a good spot to address a counter-argument or naysayer)
Body Paragraph #8: Discuss how the solution you propose will, indeed, help those affected by the problem (and possibly even extend beyond those most impacted) or anything else that you need to discuss to develop the solution fully that isn’t already covered in another paragraph.
*Remember: Each body paragraph needs a topic sentence that states the paragraph’s main idea.
You will need to decide what, exactly, each body paragraph focuses on and state that in the topic sentence.
Conclude and Emphasize
Conclusion: Provide concluding remarks about your specific topic, including emphasizing your thesis idea (but in different words – not just stating your thesis exactly again). Connect your idea back to how it affects wealth disparity/income inequality as a whole.

Here’s what IS required of this paper:
✓ Begin with “they say” in some way. Provide overarching necessary context that your readers will need to understand your own position (thesis statement).
✓ Connect/transition clearly into your main claim, or position, which is stated in your thesis statement. Thesis must include statement of the problem and the solution you propose.
✓ The body of the essay (all paragraphs that are not the introduction or conclusion) should support your thesis with explanation (reasoning), evidence, examples, data, and/or testimony from experts that illustrate or “prove” the truth of your thesis statement.
✓ Know your purpose for writing and your intended audience: who should read your discussion, and why is it important that you say what you do to them?
✓ Roughly half of the essay should be focused on the problem to develop it well, and roughly half of the essay should be focused on the solution to develop it well.
• Essay structure with a beginning, middle, end, logical organization, and effective paragraph breaks where you shift into a new focus or move forward with the discussion.
• Clear, articulate thesis statement that makes a point, and which the rest of the essay supports, develops, explains, or proves to be true.
• Development in the body of the essay that is specific and interesting. Use specific examples from your own experiences and observations, as relevant. Also, when you give a reason for something, explain it well, step-by-step. Additionally, use evidence from research to support your ideas.
• Discussion that is purposeful, relevant, helpful to others. It is interesting, worthwhile, and engaging to readers. It’s important that the essay makes the point it does and discusses it because the discussion needs to be read/heard by the intended audience.
• Clear, well-articulated sentences that express complete ideas in correct grammar, sentences that demonstrate clear meaning and correct punctuation.
• Good editing and proofreading. In other words, the final draft is polished, fine-tuned, and free of obvious errors or typos.
• The essay should be free of sentence fragments and run-ons (including comma splices).
• Summarize and address an opposing viewpoint at least once within the body of your essay, not just at the beginning. Plant a naysayer if needed. (Ch. 6). When you do so, follow the lessons of Ch. 2.
• Refer to ideas or information from at least 5 credible, reliable, trustworthy sources. See the CRAP test for evaluating your sources. When working with information or ideas from sources, do these things:
➢ Contextualize well.
➢ Quote, summarize, or paraphrase accurately when using an idea or information from a source.
➢ Provide correct MLA in-text citation after each quotation, summary, or paraphrase in the body of the paper.
Additional goals: pay special attention to doing these things well from They Say I Say:
• Start with “they say” (Ch. 1)
• Summarize ideas, especially opposing viewpoints, fairly and as thoroughly as needed. (Ch. 2)
• Anytime you summarize, paraphrase, or quote from a source, contextualize/connect well to your what you’re saying in the paragraph. (Ch. 3)
• Be clear and explicit about how you are responding to the ideas of others (Ch. 4).
• Be clear and precise when distinguishing what others have said vs. what you are saying.
Readers need to absolutely clear on who’s perspective they are seeing and when. (Ch. 5)
• Say explicitly who should care and why. Tell readers not only what your point is but why that point is an important one to make. (Ch. 7).
• Use transition/coherence strategies. (Ch. 8).
• Plant a naysayer or paraphrase/summarize an opposing viewpoint; respond effectively so as to emphasize your argument/ideas. (Ch. 6)
Since this is our last essay for this semester (COVID-19!), your essay should demonstrate your most sophisticated writing, your best attention to critical thinking and detail, providing evidence, and using




Many scholars and researchers hold on to the notion that racism refers to possession of different traits used to show the level of superiority a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | race is perceived to be superior to the other means racism is being practiced. The biological differences between people have always been used to show differences in society. This is something that has led to some groups being treated better than the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that races will always exist, and it is upon people to learn how to accommodate each other and do away with oppressions and animosities that come with racism. Undeniably, Americans discriminate against non-white people, so they need to be more open to being educated and surrounding themselves with other cultures and races.

Education Racism is a behavior or reaction that the Americans can bring to an end through | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is important when it comes to the deconstruction of all forms of racial | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | many years, engaged in debates on how they can stop racism, but still, a huge population has not come to terms with the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | population, in this case, are the African Americans who are always trying as much as they can to make sure their life in the United States is perfect. Education can be utilized to do away with racism among Americans, and this will mostly impact the young generations. Education is effective as it helps in alleviating the proliferation of different discriminatory discourses in order to promote intercultural connections. Taking cultural classes needs to be made compulsory in | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that both the whites and blacks are in the same class and that they are getting the same kind of education on cultural values and differences. In the classes, students will learn that racism is not only about skin color, but it also cuts across cases of discrimination on individuals who are culturally and physically different. The whites have, for many years, felt that blacks have a body physique that makes them take part in the crime and therefore cause problems in society (Corlett, 8). However, many have not realized that this form of racism is also stereotypical. Using a small group of people to generalize a whole is an act of racism that the students will definitely learn in class. Education will also help in reducing racism when students learn about racist tendencies. The most common racist tendencies are those that involve negative prejudice and discrimination against people of color. African-Americans have always been associated with poverty…


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