ASSIGNMENT HELP | MAN 3583 Project Management

Assignment 2:

This assignment has two parts. Answer the questions for the assignment in a Microsoft Word document


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  1. Access the Project Management Institute website  (Links to an external site.)  and provide a response to the following questions:
    1. What are PMI Certifications? Why are they important?
    1. What is the PMI standard? How are standards developed?



Assignment 2 Rubric

Assignment 2 Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePMI Certifications10 to >7.0 pts Excellent Your response fully and correctly identified PMI Certifications and their importance. 7 to >4.0 pts Acceptable Your response identified PMI Certifications and their importance, although further explanation may be warranted. 4 to >0 pts Not Acceptable You did not correctly identify the PMI certifications and/or their importance.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePMI Standards10 to >7.0 pts Excellent Your response fully and correctly identified PMI standards and their development. 7 to >4.0 pts Acceptable Your response identified PMI standards and their development, although further explanation may be warranted. 4 to >0 pts Not Acceptable You did not correctly identify the PMI standards and/or their development.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCase Studies10 to >7.0 pts Excellent Your response identified an available case study in the PMI Case Study Library and clearly and fully provided the background of the project and the challenges, risks, solutions, and results. 7 to >4.0 pts Acceptable Your response identified an available case study in the PMI Case Study Library and provided the background of the project and the challenges, risks, solutions, and results, although further explanation may be warranted. 4 to >0 pts Not Acceptable You did not identify an available case study, and/or you did not describe the background, challenges, risks, solutions, and/or results.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling5 to >3.0 pts Excellent Exercise does not contain any major spelling and/or grammatical errors. Sentences are properly constructed. Paragraphs are used to separate ideas and provide for proper transition to new topics. Exercise does not contain major punctuation errors. 3 to >1.0 pts Acceptable 1-2 major spelling and/or grammatical errors. Most sentences are properly constructed. Paragraphs are used to separate ideas and provide for proper transition to new topics. Exercise contains no more than 1-2 major punctuation errors. 1 to >0 pts Not Acceptable Several major spelling and/or grammatical errors. Most sentences are not properly constructed. Paragraphs may or may not be used to separate ideas and provide for proper transition to new topics. Exercise contains major punctuation errors.5 pts
Total Points: 35


Part 1

A PMI certification refers to documentation which shows the credentials and best practices and standards that any project manager needs to meet to qualify for project management. The certification shows that a person is competent and hence capable of providing best project management initiatives as defined by both local and international standards | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is important because it shows that a project manager has the required knowledge, experience as well as education that allows them to contribute effectively to a given project towards realizing organizational success. The certification is a valuable investment in a person’s career as it allows one to partake and even lead a project management team.

A PMI standard is a benchmark or a set of guidelines towards achieving a specific project, a given program and also portfolio | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is developed under a process that is based on specific concepts of consensus, due process, balance as well as openness. The standards are developed based on a three-step review and approval process often by a team of volunteer experts on a global scale.

Part 2

The selected case study is the Ottawa Parliamentary Precinct Renewal which was to renovate the building that has the Parliamentary Triad which is a historic and cultural | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of the selected project is for the Public Services and Procurement of Canada to manage the efforts towards rehabilitating the heritage building as well as to address the accommodation and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | requirements and advance the security and wellbeing of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | mentioned challenges to the completion of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | could be challenging to meet the requirement of the building inspired by classical Roman | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | also the possible risks of the project going beyond the allocated budget. The success was that the building was completed with the …


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