ASSIGNMENT HELP | Explain the anatomy of the heart including the blood vessels that surrounds the heart.

Explain the anatomy of the heart including the blood vessels that surrounds the heart.
Where is the heart located? What muscle is responsible for the contractions of the heart?
Explain the physiology and role of the heart including the blood vessels the surrounds the heart.
Explain the steps of the heart blood flow.
How does the blood flow go through from the coronary artery?



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Heart and Blood Flow


The heart is a strong organ that facilities the flow of blood and oxygen to all parts of the body through different vessels. Located behind the sternum in the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | by the pericardium; a sac filled with fluids. The heart works by continuously pushing blood through a number of blood vessels into and away from other body organs. The heart is made of two sides; the right side and PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and relaxation of the muscles bring about the flow of blood into and out of the heart. The contraction is enabled by the cardiac muscles which are structured into three layers. The most muscular layer, the endocardium is sandwiched between the outer inner layers called epicardium and endocardium PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the heart are divided into the four chambers; the right and left ventricles and the right and left atrium. The atria are responsible for receiving blood into the heart from all parts of the body while the ventricles push the blood from the heart into other PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |are separated from the atria through valves called the atrioventricular valves while the semilunar valves close and open at the ventricular outlets.

Physiology and Role of Heart and Blood capillaries

The heart walls are made up of special PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | called cardiac muscles that contract rhythmically to pump blood. Blood carries nutrients to body cells and transfers waste substances away from the cells to the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |from the organs flows into the right atrium (RA) where it is conveyed into the lungs through the right ventricle (LV). The blood is then oxygenated before it returns into the heart through the left atrium (LA) and carried to other tissues through the left ventricle (LV) (Clark, 2015).

The blood is carried into the various body organs through blood vessels which also play a crucial role in maintaining the blood PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | vessels include the venues, veins, arteries, capillaries and arterioles. The arteries have elastic fibers that aid in pushing the blood out of the heart during the relaxation phase (Grais, & Sowers, 2014). The dilation and constriction of the arteries which ensures that blood moves along these vessels is controlled by the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |capillaries which then carry the oxygenated blood to the individual cells (Clark, 2015). Many capillaries combine to form venules, which are small veins that carry blood and drain it PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | are large vessels that transport deoxygenated blood into the heart.

Heart Blood Flow

The RA receives deoxygenated blood and once it is full, causes the tricuspid valve to open and fills the RV. Once the RA fills up, the pulmonary valve opens and blood is pumped into the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | blood to the lungs for oxygenation and returns and is transported back into the heart, but now it enters through the LA. The opening of the mitral valve enables blood to PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | exits the LV into the aorta through the opening of the aortic valve and is transported to the body organs.

Coronary Artery Blood Flow The two major coronary arteries; the left and right coronary arteries and their smaller branches are located on the surface of the heart to supply the heart muscles PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and the rear side of the left ventricle are supplied with oxygen and other nutrients with the circumflex artery while the bottom and the front side of the left ventricle, as well as the front side of the septum, are supplied by the Left Anterior…


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