Assignment Help | Describe a scenario of Issues facing the company that requires strategic intervention.

Come up with a strategic Initiative. Pick a Pseudo company of your choice. Describe a scenario of Issues facing the company that requires strategic intervention. Identify your strategic intervention, Identify the stakeholders and give details of possible trust issues that could arise from the intervention.



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Strategic Initiative Case- Globex Industries

A strategic initiative is a crucial action program through which an organization’s vision is put into practice. It is a collection of finite duration programs and projects. It links a specific objective to well-defined parameters[1]. Strategic initiatives are designed to help a company achieve targeted performance and hence they lie outside the normal daily operations. These changes can affect the entire organization or focus on a specific department, and this is…

Strategic initiatives should have details on the departments involved, the duration of the action, a budget, a SWOT analysis, and the end | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | may need constant revision before it proves to be beneficial to the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | should not expose the company to threats and weaknesses. Multiple initiatives may be used to supplement each other to reach larger organizational goals, but each of the minor actions …

Globex Industries is a company that deals with green | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | products that enable the use of renewable | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | in business for six years, the company has been experiencing high employee turnover rates, low sales revenues, and an increase in customer complaints about their products and services. In order to resolve these issues, a strategic initiative …

The Better Service Initiative

The strategic initiative conducted by Globex Industries to solve their employee and customer issues is the Better Service Initiative. Satisfied and happy employees and customers are a crucial component in the success of any company. With this in mind, Globex will be focusing on the employer-employee and employee-customer …

 Globex has been trying to take care of their employees by offering them benefits and opportunities for | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | have been hindered by the lowering of their revenue sales, which has forced them to cut back on the benefits. Hence the disgruntled employees and high turnover. This, in turn, has led to…

The Better Service Vision

Globex Industries’ vision for its customer service is to be the preferred provider of green technology, guaranteeing high-quality goods, and exceptional service to its | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | vision for its employees is to provide benefits, promotions, training, and raises for their employees …

The Better Service Strategy on Employees

The initiative has several steps in ensuring that future employees are more efficient and productive than is the case | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | this initiative will mostly affect the Human Resources Department, which is in charge of hiring, paying, training, and promoting individual employees in the organization. The strategic initiative on the employees will be on a trial basis for a year and, if proven successful, will be…

The first step is to evaluate the productivity of the current employees and their employees’ | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | there are any who have been performing below average, the company should take the bold step of letting them go. Creating opportunities to bring in new employees.

Secondly, the new and retained employees should be taken through a series of training sessions to ensure that each employee understands what expectations the company has for them in their specific departments of service.

Thirdly, the company should conduct performance reviews | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | would help in keeping the employees alert and hard-working[4]. Those who have accomplished the set goals should receive rewards in the form of public recognition, scholarships, promotions, and raises. This will make sure that every member …

[1]K. Henning 2013. Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0.

[2] Lafferty, W.M. and Meadowcroft, J. eds., 2000. Implementing sustainable development: Strategies and initiatives in high consumption societies (pp. 337-421). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[3] T. Clarke, and C. Rollo, 2001. Corporate initiatives in knowledge management. Education+ Training43(4/5), pp.206-214.

[4] K, Henning


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