ASSIGNMENT HELP | Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected.

Assignment: Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet
As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise.
With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform colleagues, leadership, patients, and other stakeholders.
In this Assignment, you will study a recent nursing informatics-related healthcare policy, and you will share the relevant details via a fact sheet designed to inform and educate.
To Prepare:
Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.
The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page)
Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:
Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.
Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.
Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.
Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.
Use APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and reference page.
Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.



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The policy selected is the HIPAA regulation, which is a federal privacy rule that protects patient’s data from being accessed by unauthorized persons. The three critical components in the HIPAA policy include administrative, technical security and physical security. The policy however permits covered healthcare professionals to give their patients the freewill to disclose their health-related information only for specific reasons such as healthcare …

The impact on System Implementation, workflow and Clinical Care Data breaches in healthcare can result in significant negative implication to the healthcare | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | there is a data breach, there are adverse social and personal implications both to the patient and the care giver. Research indicates that facilities that experience data breach are likely to witness a 0.36% increase in patient fatality cases especially for patients having heart | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | protective measures for patient data will ensure that the patients are part of their healthcare…


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