Assignment Help | Compare the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy for families to cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals

Compare the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy for families to cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals
Analyze challenges of using cognitive behavioral therapy for families
Recommend effective cognitive-behavioral therapy strategies for families
To prepare:
Review the media, Johnson Family Session 3, in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights provided on CBT in family therapy.
Reflect on your practicum experiences with CBT in family and individual settings.
Post an explanation of how the use of CBT in families compares to CBT in individual settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences. Then, explain the challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the family setting. Support your position with specific examples from this week’s media.



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Discussion: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Family Settings vs. Individual Settings

            Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for families refers to an approach carried out against the systems theory backdrop, and it comprises the premise that family members influence or are influenced by each other, simultaneously (Patterson, 2014). On the other hand, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for individuals involves an approach that explores an individual’s thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. In this case, a therapist will work with the patient to uncover his/her thought patterns and how they trigger self-destructive behaviors (Naik et al., 2013). Notably, CBT can be provided as an individual form of treatment, either in a family or group setting.

For families, delivering in a family or group setting, CBT has a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | efficient approach, especially when it involves mental issues such as | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | in individual settings, a study done on the CBT efficacy in family settings showed that the effectiveness of the approach was more pronounced | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | on the treatment of the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | practicum experiences, CBT in family settings was more effective compared to the approach in individual settings, especially in the treatment of adolescents and adults with | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | depression, anxiety disorders, and child depressive | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | cost-effective, the recovery rate of CBT in family settings is higher compared to CBT in an individual setting, which is attributed to the offset of societal costs.

Lastly, there are some challenges counselors might | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | when using CBT in a family setting. For example, counselors may find it difficult to identify family thoughts and emotions, thus forcing the use of personal questioning | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | same time, counselors have limited motivation techniques to trigger family members to open up on their issues, which makes it difficult to find lasting solutions.


Hedman, E., Ljótsson, B., Andersson, E., Rück, C., Andersson, G., & Lindefors, N. (2010). Effectiveness and cost offset analysis of group CBT for hypochondriasis delivered in a psychiatric setting: an open trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 39(4), 239–250.

Lau, H. Y. (2017). Family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for a case with co-morbidity of depression and general anxiety disorder in Hong Kong a single case study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 21(2), 21-30.

Naik, A., O’Brien, A., Gaskin, C., Munro, I., & Bloomer, M. (2013). The acceptability and efficacy of a group cognitive behavioral therapy programme in a community mental health setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(3), 368–372.

Patterson, T. (2014). A Cognitive behavioral systems approach to family therapy. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 25(2), 132-144.


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