ASSIGNMENT : Genetic Algorithm in Public Key Cryptography

Genetic Algorithm in Public Key Cryptography Over the last few years, Secured transmission of data has been a major issue in data communication. This paper concerns about the confidentiality of electronic data which is transmitted over the internet using public key cryptography with Genetic Algorithm in order to provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation of the messages. Data encryption is widely used to ensure security of the data. Some of the classical techniques used for generating unique keys are OTP and Pseudo random number generators. In this research, genetic algorithm is applied in the field of PKC which is an essential component of information security. The work makes an attempt to explore the key generating process for PKC to be very random, and unique by exploiting GA thus making PKC more secure. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are randomized search and optimization algorithms based on concept of natural selection and natural genetics.It has demonstrated to be trustworthy and powerful technique in many applications. GA in the field of PKC could be applied in many ways either to generate keys or to improve the standard encryption algorithm to increase its level of security or to generate new symmetric /asymmetric algorithm. Basically, genetic algorithm involves three operators applied when the population is generated including: selection, crossover and mutation. The process of Genetic Algorithms (GA) usually begins with a randomly generated set of individuals which is called initial population and is composed of several chromosomes. Once the initial population has been created, the genetic algorithm directly enters in a loop. At the last of each iteration, a newly population has been produced by applying a certain number of operators to the previous population. That type of iteration is known as a generation. The individuals


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