ASSIGNMENT | Evaluating Lesson Plans

Choose two lesson plans from the “SIOP Lesson Plans and Activities.” Write a 250-500 word evaluation of each lesson. Your evaluations should address the following:
Do you see sufficient integration of SEI strategies?
Is academic vocabulary addressed?
What supports the instruction of vocabulary?
Be sure to include links to the lesson plans in your evaluation for your instructor.



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Evaluating Lesson Plans

This paper evaluates two lesson plans namely assessment for floating and sinking that is for an elementary science class and a 7th -grade lesson plan for a social studies class about the atomic bomb. The two lesson plans will be keenly evaluated to determine whether they integrate SEI strategies, address academic vocabulary, and support vocabulary instruction.             Both lesson plans in cooperate sufficient integration of SEI strategies. Content area objectives are well established as well as the various language objectives. The approach followed by the lesson plans is an all-inclusive one that aims to ensure that both the teacher and the student are actively involved in the lesson. For instance, the lesson plan about World War II provides many opportunities for students to participate in discussions and class…


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