ASSIGNMENT | Discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism

Discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism as well as to discuss the pros and cons of diversity in the workplace. This is not an opinion piece but a scholarly work supported with credible references and sources from your research. Topics of discussion may include recruiting, selection, pay and benefits, retention, affirmative action, and any other areas that pertain to strategic HRM in the workplace.
Include a properly formatted APA cover page, an abstract, a properly formatted Introduction and Conclusion, and 7 references to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. The paper should analyze all required readings and those from your research in the field of study. Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Discussions of key concepts, and a critical analysis of the research is required.



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With the increasing globalization, the interdependence of the businesses and nations, the challenges facing human resource (HRM) departments have significantly been on the rise. The aftermath of globalization is the enhanced mobility of factors of production including labor across geographical locations resulting to diversity and multiculturalism in workplaces. The increased interdependence of business is driven by the improvements to the social, economic, and technological advancements that the globe continues to experience. With the ever rising interactions between the cultures, the HRM is tasked with finding means of promoting and enhancing productive coexistence between the diverse employees and business partners. Diversity is and has been a debatable topic for a couple of decades and if not managed properly, the business is likely to suffer either in losses, suits and high employee turnover. A workplace that promotes diversity and multiculturalism ensures that employees from different nations, cultures, holding different…


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