Assignment | Discuss how you might use content to support the language needs of your ELLs.

In an SEI classroom, the language objective drives the instruction. Content can be used to support the development of language, but is not the focus for instruction. Discuss how you might use content to support the language needs of your ELLs.



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The success of English Language Learners lies with the ability to understand grade level content as well as English language skills that are necessary for one to access the content. Content can help students develop their language needs in many ways. First, effective understanding of content ensures that students show tremendous progress in speaking, listening, and skills in writing in English as well as express themselves in social gatherings. Content can be used to ensure that students participate in a meaningful way and hence demonstrate progressive learning in any academic class. Depending on the English learning level, clear content will help students to differentiate instructions and assessment
Good curriculum content serves as an indicator of where a student is placed in terms of grade. Whereas Ells are mostly placed based on age in elementary schools, content can be used to make thoughtful…


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