ASSIGNMENT | Analyzing an Opinion

Go to an online newspaper website:
Find an article in the Op/ED (Opinion/Editorial) section that is argumentative in nature.
Analyze the article using the following questions as a guide.

1. What is the purpose of the text? In other words, what does the author want his or her readers to believe and/or do after reading the article?


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2. What strategies does the author use to achieve his/her purpose? Does the author use facts, examples, experiences, logic, assumptions, data, sources, expert opinion, and so on to prove his or her position? Be sure to give examples. You could also try to determine if the position is presented as more of a Classical argument or a Rogerian argument.

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the approach the author used? Do you detect bias that is unreasonable? Does the author use unreasonable assertions, stereotypes, or faulty information to make his or her points? Does the author place the opposition in an unfair light? Does the author distort the arguments of those who disagree? Does the author fail to recognize the weaknesses in his or her own position? Does the author leave out important information? Does the author back up his or her assertions with evidence, or does he or she simply make assumptions? What would most improve the argument? Explain your answers.

Remember, you are not arguing for or against the content of the article you choose; you are analyzing how the author supports the claims that are made. Your analysis consists of identifying the author\’s purpose, and determining whether the strategies used by the author are reasonable. Be objective.

1. To be clear: Your readers should not know what your position is about the subject.

2. Do not include personal opinion or personal judgments about the subject matter.

3. Do not include personal narrative.

Analysis Checklist – Use these questions to evaluate your essay against the assignment requirements

1. Does the source article discuss a current controversial topic?

2. Does you analysis identify the argument (point of view)?

3. Does your analysis use effective transitions as it progresses from paragraph to paragraph?

4. Does your analysis avoid personal opinion, casual language, or first or second person language (I or You)?

5. Is the analysis complete? Does information need to be added or deleted to complete the assignment?

6. Does this analysis meet the assignment criteria?

Use APA Format for this assignment: This analysis should be presented in the form of a single essay, complete with a title page, an introduction, three body paragraphs (purpose, approach, and effectiveness), a conclusion, and a full References page.

Your analysis should meet the following criteria:

1. Is based on a current topic and/or event;

2. Is between 300-500 words in length, not including the title page, abstract (if used), and References page;

3. Includes direct quotations and paraphrased passages from the text;

4. Uses attributive tags that not only work to convey the mood of the writer, but establish him or her as an authority in the field of study;

5. Avoids personal opinion;

6. Is written clearly, concisely, and accurately;

7. Is written solely in third-person;

8. Includes a References page;

9. Has been closely edited so that it contains few or no mechanical errors;

10. Is ordered with a title page, an introduction, three body paragraphs (purpose, approach, and effectiveness), a conclusion, and a full References page.


Analyzing an Opinion
The Detroit free press pays special attention to the recent retirement announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kennedy announces his move through a letter that was released some hours after the court issued a ruling on the term that a justice should hold in office (The Editorial Board, 2018). The editorial calls upon the Democrats to understand the importance of Supreme Court in the country’s politics, human rights, and policy process (Lueck, 2018). It stipulates that the Supreme is an area of interest to the Republican voters and the country at large. For instance, the court has been involved in various decisions that have helped to establish sanity in the nation…


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