ASSIGNMENT | African culture studies

The essays should follow the usually five paragraph essay format: introductory paragraph (with thesis) , three substantive paragraphs supporting your thesis and illustrating it with examples, and a concluding paragraph.

a) Critically compare one of Achebe’s characters to the portrayal of Africans offered by Hegel. How do Achebe’s characters differ from Hegel’s ideas about Africans? Do you see examples from the novel that might be construed as fitting with Hegel’s claim that Africans are savages? What might be some mitigating circumstances?
b) In the final chapter, the author shifts from telling the story from Okonkwo’s point of view to the perspective of the District Commissioner. Look especially at the final paragraph of the novel. What do you think Achebe is saying when he has the District Commissioner think that the story of Okonkwo might make an interesting paragraph in his book
The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger
What might this final episode have to do with the myth of savage Africa and/or Chimamanda Adiche’s notion of the danger of the single story?


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African culture is diverse and has various forms of expression. African literature is a very expressive form art that allows people to get a deeper glimpse of what the African community considers important (Kanneh, 2017). The characters depict the beliefs, cultures and opinions of the writer set in a community perspective. This is the inspiration for great African literature as exhibited by Chinua Achebe in the book Things fall apart.
Part A
Chinua Achebe’s view on African culture is expressed widely throughout his work. He is praised for being the inventor of African literature. His characters tend…


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