ASSIGNMENT | 1) What is the background of the speaker and how they are involved with their topic?

Answer the following:
1) What is the background of the speaker and how they are involved with their topic?
2) What are the main points of the TED Talk?
3) What are the verbal and nonverbal elements that made the TED Talk good?
a. Verbal elements = speaking voice, tone, speed, jokes, etc.
b. Nonverbal elements = body language, posture, hand gestures, pacing, illustrations, graphs.
4) What are the dominant narrative and the counter-narrative?

a. Dominant narrative = can be used to describe the lens in which history is told by the perspective of the dominant culture.
b. Counter narrative = can be used to describe the lens in which history is told by the perspective of people who have been historically oppressed or marginalized. Usually, this is the main narrative the speaker is shedding light on or in some cases arguing for and often highlights the complexities of an argument.
5) Why should this TED Talk matter or be something we should care about?


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Chimamanda Adichie is a Nigerian writer who grew up in a middle-class family. She developed a love of reading at a tender age, which helped shape her view of the world. As she read British and American books, she developed the notion that all books should have white characters in tPLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |exposed to Africa literature, which helped her realize that the African story was also remarkable, especially when she traveled to study abroad. Her personal life helped her understand the need to tell more than one account, because a community, country, and person has many stories that give the whole picture of who they are.

The main point of the TED Talk is the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of a single story. A single-story plays a significant role in shaping how the world sees a country, a continent, and even an individual. The use of a single story emphasizes how different people are, and robs then of their dignity (Adichie). However, choosing to view the world from more than one account, helps repair broken dignity, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | inspiring the rest of the world to see more than just the negative. There are several verbal elements…


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