ASSIGNMENT | The effects of homeschooling

Locate two scholarly articles that are peer reviewed that pertain to the effects of homeschooling. One article should be about a true experiment and the other about a quasi-experiment. Carefully review both articles for use in this assessment.
Write a 3-4 page assessment comparing the similarities and differences of the following items in the research studies:
• The research question (hypothesis), design, and findings.
• The sample: What are the differences in sampling between the two different studies?
• The methodology: How did the methodology (pre-experimental versus experimental) differ between the two studies?
• The findings.
Be sure to include details about the defining features of each study. What makes it either experimental or pre-experimental? In the case of the pre-experimental design, why was this design necessary?
Doesn’t need a title page for this
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: Your assessment should be formatted according to current APA guidelines for style and formatting.
• Length: A typical response will be 3–4 typed and double-spaced pages.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



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The Effects of Homeschooling

Comparing True and Quasi Experiment Studies Quantitative studies can take the form of true experiments or quasi experiments. In both types of studies, the participants are exposed to some form of treatment, an outcome is measured and a determination is made on whether outcomes are related to the treatment (Cook, 2015). However, the approaches are dissimilar in the scope and design. True experiments are based on controlling the factors that may have an impact on the phenomena being observed while in quasi experiments; the variables are not entirely controlled (Cook, 2015). Besides, true experiments rely on random assignment of participants to treatment and control groups which is not done in quasi-experiments. This paper presents the differences…


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