ASSIGNMENT | Purpose of Education

Since the founding of the Republic, individuals and educational groups have debated the purposes of education. During the twentieth century, various attempts have been made by scholars and policy makers to create agendas for schooling. Two of the better known are the Commission on Reorganization of Secondary Education\’s Seven Cardinal Principles of Education (1918) and the National Education Goals (Goals 2000) of 1996.

Take a look at the links below where these goals are summarized.


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Then, in 350 – 400 words, compare the goals each group advocated. Use the following questions to guide how you answer:

How are they similar and different, in your opinion? What role does each group perceive that schools play in society? What kinds of citizens are supposed to be created by schools? Do you feel much has changed over the past century in terms of what schools are expected to produce?


Purpose of Education
How Similar and Different They Are
Both are of the opinion that education is meant to be objective in the sense that it has to be geared towards preparing the child for the future. The two groups are of the opinion that the learner has to be prepared to compete favorably in the international market. Furthermore, the two also argue that the roles of education can only be achieved by an effort from both the state, parents, teachers as well as leaners themselves. There is however a difference in the approach the two sides propose (directly or otherwise) in order to have the goals achieved. While the cardinal principles of secondary education emphasizes on high school learners alone, the national education goals is considerate of all learners (Vinovskis, 2015). Furthermore, the latter has clear timelines on what should be achieved within such timeframes. On the contrary, the former isn’t clear on what needs…


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