ASSIGNMENT | Higher Education Analysis

First Step-
For this project, you will make up a list of variables affecting higher education

(i.e. percentages of students in different types of post-secondary education by social class, ethnicity, gender) and then research data from 6-8 different educational journals and/or government sources. Review and analyze your data. Provide an overall summary of the data (1-2 pages).


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Second Step-
After you have analyzed your data, evaluate the value of a college education. Compare those who have a college degree with those who do not have a degree. Break it down by different majors or levels of education if you wish. This part of your project should be about 2-4 pages.

Be sure to cite all of your sources appropriately and when use internet resources, they MUST be educational web sites-NO GOOGLE, NO WIKIPEDIA, NO BLOGS, ETC.

Chapter 11 Overview

There is no one system of higher education. To the extent that generalizations can be made across systems, we have discussed some common characteristics and problems: the development and meaning of higher education; access to the system; the structure, process, and role relationships within the system; the environmental pressures toward change; and some outcomes and reforms in higher education.

History and Development of Higher Education
Organized higher education dates back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Over time, its structure and functions have changed dramatically. It now has a two-part structure-administration and faculty-and has taken on several additional functions such as research and service. The twentieth century brought the two-year college, and with it new structures and functions.

Theoretical Approaches to Higher Education
We can gain a better understanding of how sociologists view higher education through functional and conflict theories. The systems model helps integrate aspects of higher education for a more comprehensive view. The issue of access to higher education, who gets in and why, is of major concern to educational theorists. They focus particularly on the admissions process and testing, and public versus private institutions. There have been legal challenges to admissions decisions to professional schools, with unclear outcomes.

Characteristics of Higher Education in the United States
Institutions vary depending on sponsorship, student composition, types of programs, and degrees offered. The rapid growth of higher education threatened to weaken the value of college. Changing enrollments and economic patterns also forced cuts in programs and staff.

Functions of the Higher Education System
The university can be viewed as a large community. With growth has come controversy over functions of the university: the form curriculum should adopt; the relationship between research and teaching; and the role service should play in the community. Controversy over the academic function of the university is illustrated by the role of \”big business\” sports on some campuses and the type of curriculum the university should have.

Higher Education as an Organization
Higher education has been administered using a bureaucratic model, which many argue is not appropriate for the unique composition of the university. Decision making varies by constituency in the university, as do areas of decision-making responsibility. For instance, faculty generally retain control of curriculum matters.

Roles in Higher Education
Students are becoming a more diversified group, with older students, minorities, and married students attending college in greater numbers. More women students are moving through the system and into graduate school today, assuming multiple roles, than in the past. Colleges wrestle with the problem of under-prepared students who lack necessary skills to complete college. Three issues facing faculty are discussed: professionalism, collective bargaining, and gender issues.

Environmental Pressures on Higher Education
Several issues related to the environment of higher education were used to illustrate its importance: funding of higher education, court actions, and community pressure on programs.

Outcomes of Higher Education
Outcomes of higher education include the value, attitude, and behavioral changes that take place and the financial outcomes of having a college education.

Problems and Reform in Higher Education
Finally some problems and reforms in the areas of challenges to the higher education system and ethics are briefly discussed, including several critiques of faculty and curriculum. Proposals for reform are considered.


Higher Education Analysis Higher education is an optional final step of formal studies that take place after the completion of secondary education. Universities, colleges, seminaries and technology institutions are the primary sources of higher education. Every individual has a right to access higher education in the American society. .international human rights instruments have advocated for changes in higher education to enable each a chance to obtain higher learning. Higher education entails teaching, research and applying the learned knowledge and experience in the field. Since world war two many countries have increased participation in the study of higher education. The structure and functions of higher education have changed over time. Advanced education has now taken on some additional features such as research and service. It goes steps further for insight study and understanding of a particular procedure (Branson, Franken and Penney, 2016). Higher education…


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