Assignment | Civil Disobedience in Cyberspace

Step 1: Summarizing and examining different points of view.

Summarize the articles you picked. Write one paragraph. Identify the sources by title and author in your paragraph.


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What is the main thesis of each?

How are they are they different and how are they similar?

Now, discuss your perspective of the topic. Support your statements by citing supportive evidence from the articles you read. Remember to use appropriate citations when you quote, paraphrase or summarize. Write one paragraph. Here are some questions you can use as a starting point for your one-paragraph discussion.

What is your opinion of the content and the topic? For a researched argument, you would support your opinion by using supporting information from the article. Use in-text citations if you quote, summarize, or paraphrase.

Was the article persuasive? How?

What reaction did you have to the content of the article?

Ludlow, P. (2013). Hacktivist Witch Hunt. Nation, 297(26/27), 23-26.

Iltan, C. (2011). Moving targets. Maclean’s, 124(33/34), 63.

Dunion, K. (2011). Viewpoint: In defense of Freedom of Information. Information Polity: The International Journal Of Government & Democracy In The Information Age, 16(2), 93-96. doi:10.3233/IP-2011-0233


Civil Disobedience in Cyberspace
Hacktivist Witch Hunt by Peter Ludlow focus on how computer hacking meant for the social cause and those meant to expose the secrets of the government officials faces high level of advocacy. As such, prosecutors draw case laws from existing cases and then mutilate wraps and stretch their interpretation far beyond the obvious intent (Ludlow, 2013).
Viewpoint: In defense of Freedom of Information by Dunion focuses on how the access to uncensored material has received a greater…


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