Essay : Managing cultural diversity

Pick a country in Central or South America to open a business (student choice for type of business and country). Give a brief overview of the business, why you chose the business and why you chose the country. Prepare an expatriate manager (may not hire a local manager) for his/her task of setting up the facility in that country. Discuss the various cultural implications.

Special attention should be paid to:


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legal issues
cross-cultural management of employees
conflict resolution
the influence of religion in the workplace.

In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

Include in-text citations and references compliant with the APA format.
The paper must be between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
The paper\’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week\’s research and readings.
Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
Include the paper\’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


I choose Belize, which is a central American country bordered by the Caribbean Sea, Guatemala, and Mexico. Belize is a country of continuous growth and it is both politically and economically stable in addition to having a strategic location (Simpson, 2016). Therefore, the business I wish to start is a hospitality and tourism-related business. Belize uses English as the official language, hence making it easy to start and run a business because of effective communication. The service industry employs more than 70% percent of the countries workforce. Tourism is one of the thriving sectors in the country. Therefore, there is a ready market for a hospitality and tourism business. Belize also…


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