ASSIGNMENT : Ethics and Cultural Considerations in Group Counseling

Ethical Considerations in Counseling Groups
250 word minimum

What is the meaning of informed consent as it pertains to group work? Articulate a clear plan to address the parameters of confidentiality and implications of open counseling groups. Incorporate the assigned readings into your discussion. Include the significance of the screening process and responsibility of prospective members.


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Cultural Considerations in Counseling Groups
250 word minimum

Discuss ethical considerations for multicultural group work. Describe the inclusion of ethical codes and diversity awareness in professional practice. Articulate your plan to address special issues pertaining to culture, race, and sexual orientation in group work. Incorporate one scholarly research article into your argument.


Informed consent in relation to group work refers to members’ willingness to participate and understanding of the group’s purpose, procedures, and the potential benefits and risks of their participation. Therefore, there is always a consensus before any member engages in any professional practice. Confidentiality is a very vital component of any group activity. Groups enhance privacy by complying with ethical and professional virtues, which protect undesirable disclosure of information or secrets as well as limiting personal interest in group-work undertakings (Hartman et al., 2014). To enhance the group’s efficiency and productivity, prospective members must undergo a thorough…


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