You will report your findings in a Data Analysis Tool which will be used to compile a Problem/needs list (instructions here). Analysis Step: This is the phase where the information that you’ve gathered from the two pieces of the Assessment (Key Informant Interview and Community Reconnaissance) will be analyzed—condensed into “protective factors” or “predictive factors”—using the Data Analysis Tool. Protective factors are “good” things—things that are a “plus” or a help—in the community for your agency or vulnerable population. Protective factors may also be the fact that a predictive factor does not exist in the community. Predictive factors are things that may be harmful or may work against your agency or vulnerable population—it’s not in their best interest if it is found in the community. From this compilation, a Problem/Needs list can be determined and then prioritized Instructions:
Review the 2 pieces of the Assessment (Key Informant & Community Resources Survey). Community Reconnaissance: from each category of the assessment tool, isolate 2 resources that would be considered “protective factors” and 2 resources that would be considered “predictive factors” and enter them into the Data Analysis Tool. Focus on resources that pertain to your agency/vulnerable population. Key Informant: from the interview conducted with the Key Informant, isolate at least 3 resources that would be considered “protective factors” and 3 resources that would be considered “predictive factors.” Focus on resources that pertain to your agency/vulnerable population. Make the Problem/Needs List: Using the information in the Data Analysis Tool, formulate a problem/needs list for your selected agency that contains “doable” problems &/or needs as well as “not doable” problems &/or needs. (Listen to the video for more information on this.) Keep in mind that the “doable” problems/needs are things that YOU, as a student with limited time and money, can realistically DO about the problems/needs!
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3. Prioritize the Problem/Needs list: Determine the top 3 priority Problems/Needs (these have to be “doable” items) List all of the Problems/Needs in descending order of importance (1 being the most important and the last being the least important). Hint: ALL of the “doable” problems &/or needs should be listed at the top of the list with the “not doable” at the bottom of the list when you prioritize.
4. Visit #3 with the Key Informant to verify that you both agree on what you’ve designated as the priority Problems/Needs. Explain to them how you determined the priority—the “can I do anything about this?” method. Also, it is vital to get input from the Key Informant on ideas you have about how to address this problem/need. This is the time to make sure that your Assessment and Analysis are on the right track, as far as the Key Informant is concerned.
5. Develop a Community Nursing Diagnosis(es) using the format in your textbook and the instructions and example provided by the link. Turn in the Data Analysis Tool. It will be graded using this Rubric. Turn in a document that contains the Prioritized Problem/Needs list & the priority Community Nursing Diagnosis(es).