ESSAY : Homeland Security weekly Journal

Each student will be required to write at least 500 words (approx. 1 page-single space) on the question/subject. Word count does not include titles, the original question nor reference list.

You will be graded on content, grammar, punctuation and organization of thoughts. I expect college level writing proficiency and style. I expect that your thoughts will be concise and logical. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer to these assignments, however, your information must be supported by cited references. Reduced points will be given for random thoughts or ideas that are not supported by logic or cited sources. Repetitive statements of your information on the subject will also result in reduced points. All data, sources or facts must be cited. The text book & Wikipedia may be cited but you must have at least three (3) additional sources as well. Quotes MUST be cited and should not be longer than 1 sentence. The total percentage of quoted material must not exceed 10% of the assignment.


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Note: The above requirements for the Weekly Research Journals are the minimum requirements for these assignments to obtain a passing grade of “70”. Additional points can be earned by increased word count, increased number & quality of references (peer reviewed scholarly articles/books instead of news articles), high quality of writing (organization, vocabulary, grammar), insightful analyses/points, integration of course learning objectives.

Research Journal – Week #6
This week\’s assignment is two-fold: 1. What is the current status of al Qaeda and ISIS? 2. Did they cooperate with each other in ISIS\’s quest for a caliphate in Syria/Iraq? Also, some questions that should be answered: Who is al Nusra? What caused al Qaeda to withdraw support for ISIS? Does AQ or ISIS control territory in any countries? Was ISIS or AQ involved in the 2019 attacks in Sri Lanka? What is their status in Yemen? Who are the current leaders of these groups? Are they still a threat to the US?


Homeland Security: Weekly Journal
Terrorism remains one of the greatest threats that the world has to grapple with. According to the IPSOS survey conducted at the start of 2020, terrorism was the second concern worldwide after poverty and social inequality. The reason for terrorism concerns is the increased number of terrorist groups with presence/operations in many parts of the world. However, the most feared groups remain al Qaeda, one of the oldest groups and…


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