Biological and Physical Development Scenarios

Examine a range of abilities and disabilities, both biological and physical, that students bring with them to the classroom.

The “Biological and Physical Development Scenarios,” Choose two scenarios from those provided below. In 275 words for each scenario, respond to the following:


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Describe the parts or structures of the brain that cause or are affected by the situation described in the scenario.

Explain in depth the genetic disorder or atypical development described in the scenario.

Outline the environmental factors surrounding the biological and physical development of the child. Explain how they support or impede development.

Discuss the effect the biological or physical disability described will have on classroom learning.


Biological and Physical Developmental Scenarios:

Scenario 1:
Charlie, a second grader, shows atypical difficulty in using words to verbally communicate with you and his peers. He also struggles to form relationships and bonds with others. Upon his parents’ request and thanks to his parents’ support, he was tested for a disability. The tests show that Charlie is likely on the autism spectrum. Charlie is now on an IEP.

Scenario 2:
Babies of low birth weight often face certain health conditions later in life (March of Dimes, 2016). Marc, a kindergartener in your class, was born prematurely. Testing suggests that Marc shows signs of low academic performance and ADHD. His parents are not active in his life, andhe is largely raised by his grandmother.


Scenario 3:
Perinatal depression affects women during pregnancy, around childbirth, and/or during the first year post-partum and can have negative psychological and medical effects on mother and child (Muzik & Borovska, 2010). Because of her mother’s perinatal depression, a first grader in your classroom named Hailey has a difficult temperament and shows signs of cognitive developmental delay. Hailey’s parents regularly attend meetings and conferences addressing Hailey’s progress in school.

March of Dimes. (2017). Low birthweight. Retrieved from

Muzik, M., & Borovska, S. (2010). Perinatal depression: implications for child mental health. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 7(4), 139-247.


Autism affects brain synapses, in that it results in a surplus of synapses. A surplus of synapses causes some brain processes to slow down during brain development. Charlie’s difficulty with speech could also be because the Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area of the brain are damaged. These are brain regions responsible for producing and understanding language. His difficulty in forming relationships and bonds with others is caused by impairment of the orbitofrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for social adjustment, self-monitoring, and adaptive interpersonal| GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT / Disorder begins early in childhood, with symptoms appearing as early as in the first year. There is no single known cause for ASD but the probability of being caused by genetics and environmental factors is high. Genetically, different genes are responsible. In some children, ASD is associated with genetic disorders such…


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