Watching tv makes you smarter

In “watching Tv makes you smarter” how was the modern story telling expanded itself and in what mediums?(video game, streaming services etc) Offer examples from several mediums. The development of the anti hero has evolved in today’s programming and in movies……………….how is the story itself impacted by our post 9/11? how does it differ from the shows prior to 9/11?



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Watching TV Makes You Smarter
In the article “Watching TV makes you smarter”, the author tickles the mind of the reader by presenting two sides of the coin in his literary | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | presents the old age thinking of the negative implications of watching television and another of why watching television is good for the mind. The story shows that modern storytelling mediums such as prose, screenwriting, playwriting and game writing are critical in | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | methods are based on the intended audience and on the message that the author/narrator intends to pass. Johnson, for instance, argues that shows such as “the finished series of 24” rely on playwriting to stimulate the mind of the audience (Johnson). A good example of the use of prose is in novels, newspapers or textbooks where readers have to give their full attention while reading. For screenwriting, a good…


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