Week 2 Assignment 1: Prenatal Testing Scenario and Reflection

In this assignment, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs. Why do you feel the way you do about prenatal testing? ITs good to have this test because you know what you getting in to. People think oh its ok I can take care of my kid, but what is you die who will take care of them?



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Of the four responses offered in the Prenatal Testing scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why? One that said blood testing is good

To complete this assignment:

Complete the entire scenario.
Compose your reflection in a Word document. Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.
Your reflection must be at least 250 words in length and follow APA (6th ed.) formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.


Identifies and demonstrates a solid understanding of the main issues in the scenario by comparing and contrasting opposing viewpoints in the video
Makes appropriate connections between identified issues and the concepts studied in the course from outside sources and presentations.

The assignment follows current APA format consistently and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, sophisticated spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.


It is always a good feeling when one learns that she is expecting a baby. Such a feeling gives the anxiety of how safe the expectant mother and the fetus are. For a first-time pregnancy, the anxiety is even more pronounced. Every parent desires to see a smooth sail in the nine months of pregnancy and eventually | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | medical facility/ gynecologist is therefore a necessity since the safety of a pregnancy is dependent on early and close monitoring. Even though many people question the need for prenatal testing, I find it appropriate as it helps a person understand what they are getting into. It also helps a person properly prepare for | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | responses given as per the presented scenario, I find the first response that stated that blood testing is good is the most ethical of all other responses. A blood test is optional and what happens after the test is independent of the blood test undertaken. If one opts to keep a child to delivery or opts to terminate the pregnancy is…


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