ASSIGNMENT : Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger

Suppose your organization is concerned about a number of health issues that have either affected an increased number of the residents in the community or show the probability of affecting a larger number of people in the population. Your organizational leaders have asked different health care professionals within the organization, including you, to examine the issues from your perspective, and to submit a report that includes evidence-based ways to address the issues.

You will first need to identify a critical health care issue in your community or state. You may choose either a public health issue, such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), measles, Lyme disease, asthma, et cetera; or a community health issue, such as uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart disease, 30-day readmission, et cetera.


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Then, look in the Capella library and on the Internet for statistics and peer-reviewed or professional resources to use in preparing your report.


Format this assessment as a professional report. It may help to look at reports or other documents used within your organization and to follow that formatting. You must still follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, and include a title page and reference page.


Within the report:

Describe one critical health issue in your community or state that has grown larger or has the potential to become larger. Be sure to include any statistics available on the health issue. Tip: check your county and/or state health department Web site.
Explain the factors that contribute to this health issue. Consider things such as access to health care services, economics, culture, attitude, education, health care policies, and so on.
Describe any interventions your community or state has put in place to address the health care issue. Include information on how long the interventions have been in place, how the community was made aware of the interventions, and so on.
Describe the scope and role of nursing and public health nursing in the interventions to reduce the health issue.
Recommend evidence-based ways the scope of the interventions could be expanded to increase positive health outcomes. Think in terms of cost, efficiency and access, effectiveness, and the use of both conventional and unconventional interventions.
Additional Requirements


Cancer: A Health Crisis
Regardless of the excellent progress being made in research to understanding cancer, its causes, and most effective therapeutic interventions, the disease remains a significant cause of death in the USA and the world at large. There are over 100 types of cancer | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | cancer types vary on the basis of form and symptoms. Nonetheless, they all start with alterations in the body’s cells. The reoriented cells then replicate hence the deregulated increase and spread of altered abnormal body…


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