Challenges for Female Leaders Reaching the C-Suite Position

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Challenges for Female Leaders Reaching the C-Suite Position

Problem Statement

The promotional path of women to the C-suit position is a journey coupled with a myriad of challenges. According to Chanland and Murphy (2018), C-suit refers to the most influential senior executive leadership position and derives its names from the topmost leaders in the corporate organization such as the Chief Information Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Finance Officer, and Chief | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | accompanied by high education qualifications and titles such as chief executive, chancellor, and chief academic officer. 

However, the general problem is that women who seek senior executive leadership experience the common gender-driven barriers such as organizational culture, male chauvinism, lack of qualifications, and work-life balance, among others challenges that prevent women from moving into these | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | are important in understanding the aspect of gender inequality in the senior executive positions. The main attention has been drawn to how women overcome gender, societal and organizational barriers to occupy the senior executive leadership position in the non-profit and academic | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the United States Department of Labor (2017), it has been established that women constitute 46.8% of the civil labor force, which is estimated as 74 million. Thirty-seven million women, who constitute 52% of women, aged 25 and above have obtained bachelors or higher degrees (USDL, 2017). Compared to…


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