Read James O’Toole’s article, watch Brooke Deterline’s TedXTalk, and review Michelle Wolf’s speech and interview. Each has faced a moral problem in the workplace, taken a particular action (which can include doing nothing), and gotten a specific result.
Create a post and answer the questions below.
1. What moral problem did James O’Toole face? How did he address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and O’Toole?
2. What moral problem did Brooke Deterline face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Deterline?
3. What moral problem did Michelle Wolf face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Wolf?
4. After the ultimate decision maker has heard your presentation, this person has said that it lacks thoroughness and that the organization should take more time to analyze the situation. Look back at this week’s journal entry and reflect on how you have decided to proceed. Does your decision fit the closest with that of James O’Toole, Brooke Deterline, or Michelle Wolf? How so?
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The moral problem James O’Toole (2015) face is “speaking truth to power,” especially when transparency is necessary. He argues that it is a major moral problem because it entails or involves personal danger. O’Toole (2015) addressed the moral problem by emphasizing the importance of transparency. Transparency, he emphasized, can only be achieved through creating a transparency culture, while quoting the Enron scandal. The result was the unimpeded information flow for modern democracy.
The moral problem Brooke Deterline experience is the second-guessing of one’s values in a given situation, especially in the workplace, thus creating instances of workplace conflicts (TEDx Talks, 2012). She did address the problem by emphasizing the training of employees on the importance of choosing to do what is right rather than attempting to please other p…