2) Sequentially review the articles in the style. In particular focus on data, methods, results, and internal and external strengths and weaknesses.
3) Summarize the evidence from the 4/5 articles.
Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project.
Write My Essay For MeI need you to expand on the powerpoint presentation in a word style document.
It can be single spaced and as small as 10 pt font. Graphs and results tables from articles are allowed. This does not include a title page(not necessary but include one if you prefer), or references, tables, appendices etc.
Here is the article 1-4:
Article 1
Breunig, Robert, and Omer Majeed. “Inequality, Poverty and Economic Growth.” International Economics, vol. 161, May 2020, pp. 83–99., www-sciencedirect-com.libaccess.lib.mcmaster.ca/science/article/pii/S2110701719301052?via%3Dihub.
Article 2
Lin, M. Educational upward MOBILITY. practices of social Changes–Research on social mobility and educational inequality. Retrieved February 04, 2021, from https://doi.org/10.11114/ijsss.v8i3.4789
Article 3
Auten, G., Gee, G., & Turner, N. (2013). New Perspectives on Income Mobility and Inequality. National Tax Journal, 66(4), 893–912.
Article 4
Van der Berg, S. (2014). Inequality, poverty and prospects for redistribution. Development Southern Africa, 31(2), 197–218.
The script for article 3, and the original article is provided below. And I will send the presentation to you since the file is too big.