1. Are contractually-stipulated cooperation programs between unions and management a realistic and workable concept?

1. Are contractually-stipulated cooperation programs between unions and management a realistic and workable concept? Why or why not?

I believe that such agreements are not only workable but also realistic as they are critical and beneficial to both parties. In most cases, unions engage in such agreements to protect the interest of their xxx in terms of salary increment, upgrade on job scales, good working xxx and many other important xxx. On the other hand, xxx agree to collective x axxgreements to avert possible strikes that could paralyze the smooth running of their xxx. It has also been proven…


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2. What do you think is the optimal design for grievance proceedings in a union contract? Should mediation-style resolution first be attempted? When and how should arbitration be used in the process?

Union agreements xxx never smooth sailing and hence xxx will always come up. What xxx is how xxx and in which way such grievances are xxx. I believe mediation-style xxx to be attempted…


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