Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?

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Week 6 Paper Topic: Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?


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Even though performance evaluation is an essential process in most organizations, some managers hate or dread the procedure. Before considering the reasons why some managers hate performance evaluations, it is crucial to note the traits that an effective manager should have. Communication is a vital trait for a manager to have so that they can communicate their vision and direction as well as what they expect from their subordinates. Secondly, they should be able to delegate t…

Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports. Why? What does research tell you?

There are reasons why some managers hate the performance evaluation process. First, some managers do not invest adequate time to set their deliverables. It is essential as a manager to meet with their team members and assign them their specific result areas. Managers should recognize the employees’ weaknesses and strengths and motivate them to work hard so that they have a basis for their evaluations. Secondly, some managers fear giving negative feedback. Some employees may react negatively to negative criticisms and thereby causing tension in the workplace. Also, most managers do not know their employees…

As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following:
•What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?
•Is there a profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process?
•What are the key elements of a successful employee evaluation process? How should a manager prepare for the event?
•Develop an evaluation form for your direct reports and show how the evaluation criterion correlates to the organization’s objectives.


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