Now that the research part is over, what were some of the most interesting discoveries you made while working on your analyses and infographics?

Phase 1 & 2 Reflection Questions

  1. Now that the research part is over, what were some of the most interesting discoveries you made while working on your analyses and infographics? About the project and about yourself?
  2. What were some of your most challenging moments? What did you learn were your biggest areas for improvement?
  3. What were some of your most powerful learning moments? What did you learn were your greatest strengths?
  4. How would you answer each of the following project questions based on your research and our class discussions?
    1. What’s important to customers ordering food delivery?
    1. Why are customers loyal/not loyal to a food delivery service?
    1. What aspects of the customer experience make a food delivery service stand out?
    1. What’s the best food delivery service possible look like?
  5. How do you think you will use what you’ve learned in the next steps of the project?


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