Compare and contrast the role of women in the USA and USSR during WWII.

Compare and contrast the role of women in the USA and USSR during WWII. This essay is a minimum of 750 words and must use at least two sources besides your text.


During World War II, the role of women in the United States and the Soviet Union was quite different. In the United States, women were encouraged to take on roles traditionally held by men in order to support the war effort. This included working in factories and offices, as well as joining the military. In the Soviet Union, however, women were already heavily involved in the workforce and their roles during the war were more focused on supporting the military directly, such as working as nurses and in other medical roles, as well as serving in combat roles.


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In the United States, the government launched a campaign to encourage women to enter the workforce, known as the “Rosie the Riveter” campaign. This campaign featured a fictional character named Rosie, who represented the women who were working in factories and other industries to support the war effort. The campaign…Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here

In the Soviet Union, women were already heavily involved in the workforce prior to the war, and their roles during the war were more focused on supporting the military directly. According to, an estimated 800,000 women served in the Soviet armed forces during WWII, and many of them were trained to fight on …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here

However, women in the Soviet Union faced a number of challenges during the war. The country was under occupation, and many women were raped or otherwise harmed by invading forces. Additionally, the Soviet government did not always provide adequate support for women who were widowed …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here

In conclusion, during WWII women in the United States and the Soviet Union played different roles in the war effort. In the United States, women were encouraged to take on roles traditionally held by men in order to support the war effort, while in the Soviet Union, women were already heavily involved in the workforce and their…Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here


  • “Women in World War II”
  • “The role of women in World War II” ThoughtCo


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